old earth

Terms of use

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

1.1 These Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (the “Terms of Use”) govern the use of information and services made available to the user (the “User” or “You“, the terms “Your” referring directly to the User) by the Institute through this Site and other potential sites and applications operated by the Institute. They apply to all uses that the User currently makes or will do in the future. Therefore, please read these Terms of Use carefully.

1.2 The Institute makes the Site available to the User on the condition that the User accepts, without reservations, these Terms of Use. By accessing this Site and the pages, services, information, tools and materials it contains, You acknowledge to accept and understand these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not continue to visit this Site.

1.3 The information contained on the Site is selected and categorised for the sole purpose of informing the User about the teaching and services offered by the Institute.

1.4 The Institute reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, these Terms of Use and all documents and information made available on the Site.

2. Ownership of the Site, Trademark and Copyright

2.1 The Institute, or any third party concerned, retains all rights, titles and interests (including copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights) over the information and contents (including texts, data, graphics and logos) of the Site. The pages of the Site may only be printed for personal or internal purposes, provided that these impressions retain all copyrights in force and all other notices relating to the ownership of the Site and the information it contains. It is forbidden for any User, in a non-exhaustive way, to modify, copy, transmit, display, distribute, reproduce, publish, exploit, create derivative works from, or use in any other way for commercial or public purposes these information, text, graphics, images, video clips, directories, databases obtained from this Site, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Institute.

3. Absence of guarantee

3.1 The information published on the Site is provided “as is”. The Institute makes no guarantee of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, as to the information, functionality of the Site and the absence of error. The Institute does not warrant that any defects will be corrected or that the Site or the servers that provide access to it are free from viruses or other harmful elements. The Institute does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, adequacy, completeness or availability of the Site or the information or results resulting from its use.

4. Absence of responsibility

4.1 In no event shall the Institute be liable to any person for any direct or indirect loss, costs, claims, costs or damages of any nature whatsoever, whether contractual or tort, including negligence, resulting from the access to the Site, its use or the inability to access or use the Site, or any action taken or not on that basis, whether such damage is direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, even if the Institute knew or had good reason to know the possibility of such damages or claims.

5. Vos droits

5.1 Your personal data are very important to the Institute, which undertakes to do its utmost to protect the personal data that the Institute collects, processes or uses during consultations of the Website by the User. The following provisions specifically govern the privacy policy relating to the User’s data processed when the User visits the Website. The Institute invites you to consult its general conditions, and particularly the chapter “Data Protection”, applicable to all services offered by the Institute and detailing in particular the objectives and principles underlying any treatment of Your data, the obligations of the Institute and Your rights in the matter.

5.2 When You visit the Site, the Institute may collect some of Your personal data, for example when You fill out an online form or questionnaire and provide your contact details. Thus, the following data are likely to be collected by the Institute:

The data you provide

  • The mandatory or optional nature of the data you fill in. You are notified when they are collected, by an asterisk.

Contact form

  • Your surname
  • Your email
  • Your telephone number
  • Your country
  • Your comment

5.3 The Site also uses cookies, which are files containing an identifier (a series of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser uses a page of the server. There are two types of cookies, “permanent” cookies or “session” cookies. A permanent cookie is stored by a web browser and will remain active until its scheduled expiration date, unless the User deletes it before that date. A session cookie, however, will expire at the end of the User’s session when the User closes his / her Web browser. Cookies do not generally contain information that identifies a User, but the personal information that the Institute keeps about you may be related to the information stored and obtained from cookies. To the extent that these cookies are not strictly necessary for the provision of the Site’s content and services, the Institute requires you to consent to the use of cookies during Your first visit to the Site. If not, please do not use the Site.

5.4 The Site uses cookies for the following reasons:

  • Functionality. The WordPress Web Content Management System, used to manage the Site, uses cookies to ensure its operation. These include, for example, cookies that record the user’s choice regarding the language preference (_icl_currrent_language) or the pop-up display preference, according to a certain lifespan (socials).
  • Consent to cookies. The Site uses cookies to record the preferences of the User regarding the use of cookies in general. The cookies used in this context are: cookies_valid.

5.5 The Service Providers of the Site use cookies and these cookies may be installed on the User’s computer when viewing the Site. Google Analytics is used to analyse the use of the Site. Google Analytics collects information about the use of the Site through cookies. Google’s privacy policy is available
at: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
(https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/). The cookies used in this context are: _ga, _gid, _gat__utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmt, _utmz. Facebook Ads is used for targeted advertising purposes. Facebook drops a pixel to show the advertisements of the Institute in relation to pages viewed on the Site. These are re-targeting and re-marketing campaigns.
The Facebook Privacy Policy page is available at: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/ (https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/)

The host of the Site (OVH) uses two cookies for the management of its network which do not relate to the experience of the User. The Institute does not manage the cookies of the service providers of the Site and therefore has no control or responsibility for these cookies and the use of data collected through them. The User may disable these third-party cookies on their websites:
Google: https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated?hl=fr (https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated?hl=fr)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/? entry_product=ad_settings_screen (https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/? entry_product=ad_settings_screen)

5.6 Most browsers allow you to reject cookies and delete them. The methods to do this vary from one browser to another and from one version to another. However, you can get up-to-date information on blocking and deleting cookies via the following links:

(https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647? hl=en)
(Chrome); https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disablecookies-website-preferences
(https://support.mozilla.org/enUS/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-websitepreferences (Firefox);
(http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/cookies)/ (Opera);
(https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17442/windowsinternet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies) (Internet Explorer);
(https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411) (Safari);
(https://privacy.microsoft.com/enus/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy) (Edge).

The blocking of cookies can have a negative impact on the usability of many websites.

5.7 The data collected by the Institute are used globally to improve the quality of the services offered by the Institute, and in particular to be able to contact you or study your application for a job offer. Access to the User’s data is limited to internal use (employees or agents of the Institute). The Institute does not use the data collected for purposes other than those mentioned herein or as specified in these terms and conditions, and the Institute does not disclose to third parties the personal information of Users unless the User concerned has given its approval or if a legal provision allows it, or even requires it.

5.8 The Site implements appropriate security measures of a technical and organisational nature to ensure adequate protection of personal data collected via the Site against unauthorised access, misuse, loss or destruction of such data. It should be noted, however, that the Internet is not considered a secure environment, unauthorised third parties may have access to the transmitted data, which may lead to disclosure, modification of content or technical problems. The Institute declines any responsibility concerning the security of the information transmitted by the User during the consultation of the Site by the latter.

6. Contact

6.1 Within the limits of the applicable legal provisions, all questions of the User relating to the processing of their data collected on the Site or relating to the use of the Site in a general manner are to be addressed to the Institute as follows:

  • By mail: Avenue Eugène Lance 24, 1212 Grand-Lancy, SWITZERLAND
  • By email: dpo[@]iil.ch

Last updated: may 2022